To the Unnamed Soldier

Go die for me. Go die for me to put me at ease. If you don’t die, consider yourself dead. It’s the only way to cope with my goal. When you return, if you return, don’t expect a grand welcome. You did your job, my job. Be thankful that we gave you that. Now be … Continue reading

WTF Moment of the Week

Have you ever had one of those days where you just had to wonder about your purpose on the earth? I’m talking about a day where you have been cast as the world’s porta-potty to be constantly shit on by strangers who’ve eaten too many bacon wrapped chili-dogs at the local fair. Luckily I don’t … Continue reading

Defiant Leaf

Quiet. I stood alone on the sidewalk reveling in the emptiness of an otherwise cluttered city. The sounds that provided the perfunctory atmosphere were relegated to the highways in the distance, their waves not powerful enough to find their way through the maze of skyscrapers and dilapidated buildings to reach my ears. A slight breeze … Continue reading

6 Dogs and a Tempur-Pedic

“Six dogs?!?!?” That’s the reaction I usually get when I tell people. “You really live with six dogs?!?!?” It may sound like too many, but it’s not. They are all small, loving and happy creatures with individual personalities that mesh to form a six pack of fun and entertainment. Besides their entertainment value they also … Continue reading

Confessions of a Gargoyle

Inspired by a phone conversation overheard on the metro blue line going through Compton. The ring felt like a sledgehammer when it hit my face, shattering my life into a million irrelevant pieces. How did it come to this? I stood there staring into the dark void that is now my life, my feet rooted … Continue reading